ASOT is commonly ordered by doctors whom patient is suspected of having Group A Streptococcus infection. Procedure for ASOT is as followed.
1. A drop of positive control was dispensed onto the 1st test area.
2. A drop of negative control was dispensed onto the 2nd test area.
3. A drop of sample was dispensed onto the 3rd test area using micropipette.
4. A drop of latex reagent was added to the 3 test areas.
5. Sample and reagent were mixed thoroughly using wooden sticks.
6. Test card was placed on electronic rotator for 2 minutes at 100 ± 2 rpm.
7. Test results was observed and recorded.

A negative ASOT result does not rule out the possibility of patient having Group A Streptococcus infection. If patient is still suspected of having the infection, a second blood sample should be taken for the test four weeks later from the previous ASOT test day.
Hui Juan
HELLO 'the composer' =D
ReplyDeleteI just wonder if there is any sign or symptom that cause the doctor to suspsect that the patients may have Group A Strep infection yah?
And what are some common diseases that the patients may suffer from if they are infected with Group A Strep?
Thankz in advance ^^
Vo Thu Hong Anh [Jess]
hi hui juan!
ReplyDeletewhat kind of blood sample are usually taken for this test?
hello vanessaa!
ReplyDeletewhy a negative ASOT result does not rule out the possibility of patient having Group A Streptococcus infection?
siti shahimah
hey Nyzah,
ReplyDeletewe usually use serum for this test, but if the patient do not have enough serum, plasma from EDTA tubes can also be use.
hi Siti,
a negative result does not rule out the possibility of patient having Group A Streptococcus infection because it can be a recent infection, hence antibody titre in the blood might not be detectable in the early stage. So if the patient is still suspected of Group A Streptococcus infection due to the clinical symptoms presented, a second specimen should be sent and tested after 3 weeks.
hello Jess,
the symptoms of Group A Streptococcus infection includes sore throat, severe pain and swelling,fever, confusion, sudden onset of generalized or localized severe pain, often in arms or legs and dizziness. Influenza-like symptoms may also occur, but some infected patients can be asymptomatic.
Common disease associated with Group A Streptococcal infection are necrotizing fasciitis, a disease where the muscles, fats and skin tissues are destroyed at a rapid speed and Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STTS) whereby a sudden drop in blood pressure results in organ failure occur.
Hui Juan
Micropipette is used formally. Since laboratory personnel must deal with installing and ejecting such a large number of tips.
Read on cryptococcus latex test principle and procedure